N-Gage views
The N-Gage application consists of five different parts.
Home opens when you start the N-Gage
application. You can start playing or resume the game
you played last, check your current N-Gage points, find
more games, read your messages, or connect with an
N-Gage friend who is available to play.
In My games, you can play and manage games you
have downloaded to your device. You can install and
delete games, rate and review games you have played,
and recommend them to your N-Gage friends.
In My profile, you can manage your profile
information and details, and keep a record of your N-
Gage gaming history.
In My friends, you can invite other N-Gage players
to your friends list, and see if they are online and
available to play. You can also send messages to your
N-Gage friends.
In Showroom, you can find information about N-
Gage games, including screenshots and player reviews.

You can also try out new games by downloading game
trials, or enhance your gaming experience with game
extras for games already on your device.